Tony-winning actor/director BD Wong delivers a heart-pounding reading of Vietnam vet Allen Hoe’s moving story about his son and hero, the late Lt. Nainoa Hoe, at a National Memorial Day Concert in D.C. last spring. Screencaps taken from Capital Concerts YouTube
What a Blessing — Remembering MAH attorney Allen Hoe’s son, Lt. Nainoa Hoe, on National Memorial Day 2024: Watch this moving PBS, Gold Star family tribute given by Tony-Award-winning actor BD Wong, posted May 26, 2024, presented at the National Memorial Day Concert in Washington, DC to long-time MAH attorney/Vietnam vet/Gold Star father, Allen Hoe, and his son, Lt. Nainoa Hoe, who lost his life in combat in service to our country in Iraq. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQM5C1-8968

Thank you for your service. The late Lt. Nainoa K. Hoe, photo from Al.com obits.
From the Fall 2024 issue, Ke Ola O Na Mele