You are invited to vote in the 2018 Musicians’ Association of Hawai’i Local 677 Election for Board of Directors positions. On March 26, 2018 Local 677 held a nomination meeting for all officer, board, & delegate positions. The following officer and delegate positions were elected by acclamation to a three-year term:
- President – Steve Pearson
- Vice-President – James Moffitt
- Secretary-Treasurer – Robert Shinoda
- Delegates: Marsha Schweitzer & J. Scott Janusch
- Sergeant-at Arms – David “Mochi” Freeman
The voting period:
May 10, 2018 9:00 am through May 16, 2018 6:00 pm Hawaii.
We will be using an online election system, ElectionBuddy, to tabulate our votes. You will be assigned a unique access key which can only be used to vote once, and your voting choices will remain anonymous. In order to be eligible to cast a ballot, you must be a member in good standing of Local 677 at the time of the election. Such members shall receive an automated email and/or text message with instructions on how to vote.
A link to the online ballot will be sent to you via email or Text Message.
A sample ballot is below.
If you do not have access to email or Text Message and/or cannot submit your ballot electronically on your own; you may appear in person at the Musicians’ Association Office, 949 Kapiolani Blvd, Honolulu during the following days/times:
Friday, May 11th 9AM – 1PM
Monday, May 14th 9AM – 1PM
Wednesday, May 16th 9AM – 1PM
If you have election questions, feedback or want to be removed from future ballot lists, please email Election Committee at
The MAH Election Committee