Welcome to the Winter 2016 issue of the Musicians’ Association of Hawai‘i, Local 677, American Federation of Musicians.
In this issue:
- President’s Message: “Collective bargaining is the lifeblood of our organization. It works when musicians stand together to make their voices heard.” —Steve Pearson
- Member Spotlight: “The sounds of the traditional Hawaiian slack key guitar touch my senses and invigorate me like no other music or activity…” —George Kuo
- Building Updates: 949 Bathrooms — Last year, we finally managed to get the sewers reconnected to the main building. Getting the 949 bathrooms back online has been a slow process, mainly due to lack of funds…. Building Cleanup — Now that some of the offices are being restored, we are turning our attention to the practice studios and common areas of the building….
- Local 677 Election Results: The Musicians’ Association of Hawai‘i Elections took place Aug. 22, 2016. Mahalo to all who came out to vote! Here are your 2016 union officers elected for a three-year term….
- Of Note: National Public Radio’s “From The Top” showcases the talented students of the Musicians’ Association of Hawaii, Mike Lewis Big Band performs Duke Ellington’s “Nutcracker Suite” at the Blue Note Hawaii — and files union contract for the performance….
Chartered in 1923 Musicians’ Association of Hawaii Local 677 American Federation of Musicians
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. M, W, F; closed T, Th
Affiliated with: Hawaii AFL-CIO AFM Western Conference
Ke Ola O Na Mele
Robert Shinoda, Managing Editor
Carol Banks Weber, Editor
John LeBlanc, Website/Social Media Specialist
Questions, comments, or suggestions? Please contact the Ke Ola staff at: keola@musicianshawaii.com
Musicians’ Association of Hawai‘i • Local 677, AFM
949 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu, HI 96814
local677@afm.org http://www.musicianshawaii.com
Find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Google+
© 2016 Musicians’ Association of Hawaii