Proposed changes to the Musicians’ Association of Hawaii Bylaws
Committee Members: Sheryl Shohet, Marsha Schweitzer, Steve Pearson recommend the following changes to the Musicians’ Association of Hawaii Bylaws. Please review them and be prepared to vote to accept or reject the changes.
Proposed to be deleted verbiage has been stricken through. Underlined verbiage has been revised or added.
Art. 8.4
All Officers, Directors, and Sergeants-At-Arms shall have been bona fide residents of the State of Hawaii for a period of at least one (1) year prior to being elected to office, and shall be elected for a term of three (3) years or such time, not to exceed three (3) years, as the Bylaws may from time to time provide.
Art. 9.15
His/her office shall be kept open for the transaction of business from Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except on holidays. The Board of Directors shall establish office hours in accordance with AFM Bylaws Art. 5.14. These hours shall be revisited as necessary.
Art. 27.2
a) The election shall be held on a day in the week no sooner than forty-five (45) days after the nominations meeting and no later than sixty (60) days after same. The Board of Directors shall determine the exact date and place of the election, and the method of voting.
b) Not later than ten (10) days after the nominations meeting the Secretary-Treasurer shall mail written notice of the election to all members at their last known home address. The notice shall contain the opening and closing dates and times place of the election, the hours of opening and closing of the polls, a sample ballot, and specifications for absentee voting and instructions for electronic voting.
c) The polls shall be open from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
d) Candidates shall be listed on the ballot in last name alphabetical sequence.
e) The writing in of names of persons not nominated and listed on the ballot is prohibited.
f) Any member who resides outside of the jurisdiction of Local 677 or on the island other than the Island of Oahu or will be unable to vote at the polls because of a musical engagement away from Oahu, may request an absentee ballot in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer who shall deliver the request to the chairperson of the Election Committee within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. The chairperson shall within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving the request, mail the member a ballot, a small envelope in which to insert the ballot and a larger envelope to be addressed to the Election Committee at a Post Office Box to be secured by the Secretary- Treasurer. Only those absentee ballots mailed to the Election Committee in sufficient time for a least two (2) members of same to pick up such ballots at the Post Office and deliver them to the polls prior to the opening of the polls shall be counted.
NEW c) An electronic voting process shall be established in accordance with the U.S. Department of Labor’s compliance tip “Electing Union Officers Using Remote Electronic Voting Systems,” to insure that all members have open and equal access to voting, all candidates have the opportunity to oversee the voting process and the counting of ballots, and that does not create barriers for individuals with accessibility needs. An alternative voting method shall be provided, upon request, to any member who does not have access to the electronic voting system.
NEW f) Elections shall be scheduled to take place the year prior to the AFM national convention, but in no case shall this have the effect of terms of office exceeding three (3) years.
g) A plurality of votes cast shall elect a candidate to office. Alternate delegates to conventions and conference of the American Federation of Musicians shall be those candidates in sequence by vote totals.
h) Newly elected officers shall assume office six (6) weeks after the date of their election.