On June 21, 2021, the following officers were elected to three-year terms, beginning on August 3, 2021.
Congratulations to all candidates!
Jim Moffitt
Secretary Treasurer:
Robert Shinoda
Board of Directors:
Chris Cabrera, Steve Flanter, Ken Hafner, George Kuo, John LeBlanc, TJ Ricer, Sheryl Shohet
Sargent at Arms:
Mochi Freeman
AFM Convention Delegates:
Marcia Schweitzer, John LeBlanc
At the first meeting of the new board on August 3rd, Steve Flanter was elected by the board, by acclamation, to the vacant Vice President position.
Mahalo to our MAH Election Committee: (Chair) John LeBlanc, Noel Okimoto and Dean Taba.